Now click on the + sign to add the widgets. BTW, is adding libldfmode deep after all these years still the best solution for the SPI. to the installation instructions to avoid people spending time on searching old posts or even opening new threads. For this MAX30100 ESP32 project select the device as ESP32 and connection type as Wi-Fi. The code may not compile without adding libldfmode deep in platformio.ini. This address is seven bits long followed by an eighth bit which is a data. Understand why the code is called the Wire Library and not the I2C Library. Data transfers follow the format shown in Figure 9. in the Arduino Wire Library and how they work together to make I2C serial.

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define REPORTING_PERIOD_MS 500 /* PulseOximeter is the higher level interface to the sensor That offers: > Beat Reporting > Heart Pulse Rate Calculation > SP02 OXIDATION LEVEL Calculation */ PulseOximeter pox const int numReadings=10 float filterweight=0. In the pop up set the parameters like Project name, Board and connection type as shown in the photo above. But, the specification is quite clear: UM10204 - 2C-bus specification and user manual, wrote: 3.1.10 The slave address and R/W bit.